miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

What Effects could Clonning have on Society

Cloning can be defined as the process by which we can create identical copies of a developed organism, in a non sexual way. There are two important characteristics: First we start from a developed animal, because cloning responds to an interest to obtain of a determined animal that we are focused on, and only when it is an adult we can know its characteristics. On the other hand, cloning is supposed to be by an un sexual way. Sexual reproduction doesn’t let us obtain identical copies, because this type of reproduction due to its own nature generates diversity.

We live in an era of biotechnological advances, this discussions grab the attention of many specialists in biotech that discuss other matters like for example the ones related with a fair distribution of the limited medical resources. Lately, especially since the birth of Dolly, a discussion on human cloning has taken the interest of many.

The majority of the arguments that have been offered against human cloning can be classified in three main groups: Risks of physical damage to the clone, risk on psychological damage on the clone, social damage.
Who reject human cloning often maintain that this technique is morally un permit able because its security hasn’t been tested yet. They argue that the procedure used to create Dolly was successful only after 277 tryouts. Therefore, this technology could produce severe anomalies in the possible babies; critics of human cloning also argue that this practice can produce serious psychological damage in the born person through this technology, like possible loss of unique identity. Various authors have maintained that the human cloning may produce also social damages, which include the threat of familiar security and the ones that produce with the diminution of the human life respect, people think that human life can be replaceable

In first place, the new technology is an answer to the problem of infertility, as the same, the cloning is an important tool in the battle against genetic illnesses
Also, cloning gives one people the possibility to clon close parents, especially children who died. This practice can help people that have the difficult to have their own sons. The stronger argument that is agreed with cloning is that parents can bring to their sons a wonderful genetic inheritance. This is for parents with the risk of transmit genetic illnesses, like the fibrosis or the Huntington illness. They may decide to have babies by the way of cloning is for avoid this illnesses.

Finally, when we read about cloning technologies we got the impression that we live in a society where our most important problems are to solve infertility, a society where the genetic illnesses seems to be the principal cause of premature deaths, where the people’s individuality is threat constantly, and the medical resources are infinite. Probably a world with this characteristics a debate cloning may have sense. But in this overpopulated world, where many children have the necessity to have good families, a world that a thousand women may have their own sons, but they not have sufficient resources to offer a basic medical care and the necessary nutrition for their survivor, so, cloning is not a good exit and the effects that cloning may have in our society is destroy ourselves and damage our integrity like unique person and unrepeatable.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008


Video- the effects of electricity as an invention..

The Effects of Electricity as an Invention
The history of electricity as a branch of physics began with observations and hypothesis, Tales De Mileto was the first to observe the phenomenon of electricity when rubbing an amber bar to a piece of cloth, he saw that the bar could attract light objects.

The first scientific approximations to the phenomenon were done by systematic inventors in the centuries XVII and XVIII, like Gilbert Von Guericke, Du Fay, Van Volta, Coulomb and Franklin, and at beginning of the XIX century with Ampere, Faraday and Ohm; But the development of a theory that unified electricity with magnetism like two manifestations of a same phenomenon was not reached until the formulation of the equations of Maxwell.

This invention changed people's life in all the places in the world, electricity marked the top of electronics' era, Its first application generalized was the electric telegraph by Samuel Morse, this revolution all the telecommunications; However the drastic changes were at the of XIX century, because the electric illumination was extend to all the streets and houses.

The electricity converted in one of the principles driving forces of the second industrial revolution; all this change revolution all the people and specially Scientifics so in that way had changed into an industrial activity.

The effects that brought the electricity marked a difference of before and after of this invention, starting with Scientifics discovered the rotator magnetic field in 1882, which is the base of current machinery, also engines system and streams a generator that brings energy to the modern society.

Starting with the electricity the world modifies the duration and the time distribution of the activities, individual and social, industrials process, transport and telecommunications. This invention is considered by all the world as the most important and determined the human change, because nowadays its necessary electricity use for all the human activities because all the world turn around technology and this occurs thanks to electricity.

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008


- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureaucracy
- Bernal Torres, Cesar A., INTRODUCCION A LA ADMINISTRACION DE LAS ORGANIZACIONES. Enfoque global e integral - 1ra. edicion, Pearson Educacion de Mexico S.A de C.V., 2007
- www.administradores.com

Henry Fayol Vs. Max Weber

Administration is the social part in charge of optimize the products and the sources in order to have an economic development in other words to use the globalization in a better way as possible; Administration is the process of design and mantain an environment in wich people work together with efficiency for a common goal. this applies all kind of organizations like big and small, non profitable and profitable organizations, etc.

The administrative process is based in planning, controlling and implementing operations and this topics are established by important administrators like Henry Fayol and Max Weber.

First of all, Henry Fayol created the classical Theory that this was the first theory that was established, focused in increasing productivity by improving efficiency and the attention is focused in the work methodolog; the necessary movements to accomplish a task, stardardized times for its acomplishments and in the worker's specualization. On the other hand Max Weber has been one of the most influential users of the word in its social science sense. He is well-known for his study of bureaucratization of society. he was based on conducted with strict accordance to the rules and hierarchical positions.

In adition Max Weber described the ideal type bureaucracy in positive terms, considering it to be a more rational and efficient form of organization than the alternatives that preceded it, which he characterized as charismatic domination and traditional domination. According to his terminology, bureaucracy is part of legal domination. However, he also emphasized that bureaucracy becomes inefficient when a decision must be adopted to an individual case; Otherwise Henry Fayol talked about a team work without hierarchical positions and with the same opportunities to express ideas.
In Conclusion Max Weber and Henry Fayol are good administrators on their own way, they gave bases to a modern administration, doesn't matter if the enterprise is bureaucratic or classical, like vertical or horizontical enterprise.

Intermediate Introduction

Now day’s human beings are in constant change, searching each and every day for new things and for how to construct a developed society in which all needs and desires are fulfilled. Among the many people that search through for changes are the inventors, they try to innovate in terms of new processes, appliances, machines, medicines etc. that will to some extend constitute a help for life. This new devices, methods, or processes created are called inventions and they can be developed through science taking into account that this branch of knowledge gets to a conclusion only if the facts treated are well organized, analyzed and studied.


Hi, My name is Maria Andrea villamizar, I'm seventeen years old, i live with my parents and i have two brothers, they are thirty years old and they are twins.
I'm studying in La Universidad de la Sabana, Marketing and the administration of international Logistcs in first semester.
My favorite music is the older rock, like The cure, The doors, The Ramones, Sting & The police etc.
I like to play squash and Dance, also enjoy time with my friends and family.